Sweet Pea Yogi versus SYTYCD
“Live in the mindset of hindsight”
“Is fear the only thing stopping me? Then I’m doing it.”
“Why allow it to be a hindrance, make it a complement”
“You know multitasking isn’t really a thing, right?”
Guess who is back?! Me! Obviously.
So it’s been a while and I know my blogging has taken a bit of a pause, but my life sure hasn’t! There are so many beautiful things I’ve done, people I’ve met, mindsets I’ve shifted, and goals I’ve set in the past few months. It has all unfolding so beautifully and I am thrilled!
So let me disclaim this post by letting you know that I am have zero structure planned for this post. I know I have so much I want to say, but I didn’t think through the structure so let’s see what happens.
Since my last post from the beautiful village of Falkreider, I started an exciting new job as Program Manager for Grantmakers in the Arts. My role involves a lot if planning, organizing, and engaging with people. Perfect fit, right? Needless to say, I am still there LOVING every second of it. Within the first month of my being there, I decided I didn’t meet my “new experience” quota and thus needed to try some new things (like Iceland, England, and new job weren’t enough). So after talking to a few folks, and deciding that I really didn’t want low-risk fear to stand in my way of doing things, I decided to audition for So You Think You Can Dance.
Yes. I totally did. I got my audition number, filled out the paper work, stood in line, and waited to audition in front of hundreds of folks. Was I nervous? HECK YES. Did I almost leave? DEFINITELY. Once News 7 came into the studio, I started to pack my bags. But an extremely kind soul who was sitting behind me said, “hey…just be confident, you can do this”. I also ran into a few people I knew from my NYC dance networks. So that was a relief. Anyway, I stuck around, did my audition, and left with the hundreds who did not get a gold slip. The “NEXT” I received was expectedly loud. But on the flip end, I can report that Nigel Lythgoe looks EXACTLY the same as on TV. You know how some folks look different in person? Ya…not him.
Anyway, even though I didn’t make the cut, it was really great to see what I was up against, and to also challenge myself to dive in and try something very new! I had nothing to lose, and I only gained a new understanding, perspective, and experience. And that was just the beginning…
I looked at my 5-year plan and realized that this was the year I needed to get a movement-related certification. I always thought I would get something in choreography or ballet/dance because as everyone knows, these are passions of mine. But, as the odds would have it, yoga was in the cards. So off I went to begin my yoga certification.
And I know it is a little taboo for us die-hard Jesus-loving folks. But honestly, the practice has only strengthened my faith in Him even more and given me more context and understanding of what others feel and think. The world is a very full place with so much that you and I have not discovered. And so much that goes on that has never even crossed my mind for a moment! Aside from learning about the history of yoga, Sanskrit, and the various other facets of the spiritual practice, the program reinforced to me the importance of Matthew 6:25-34. The verse talks about not worrying. All who know me, know me to be an avid worrier. I have since gotten much better, but it is still a work in progress. I also learned different meditation techniques so that I can more effectively meditate on the Word and other aspects of my Christian walk. It has been truly beautiful. While I was in the program, I met this sweet soul, I will call her The Nubian Queen, who is very particular about who can get close to her. Needless to say, a few weeks later, we had formed inside jokes, laughed together, texted each other just to check in and closed with an “I love you” each time. Oh, and she gave me the most precious nickname, Essence of Sweet Pea. My alias is Yogi Sealy, but if you call me Sweet Pea, I’ll answer. J I also learned about multitasking and how it is really not always the best thing. I know…I am late to the party. But taking a break from some of my other activities to pursue this certification, taught me how lovely it can be to put all of my energy into like 5 things instead of 5,000. It’s refreshing, and you can really focus your brain power on a few priorities. It is amazing. I have so much more to say on this, but I need some material for my yoga dharma talks, so you will have to attend my classes to hear the other takeaways and fun yoga stories. Oh, and I had a take a small break from dancing during yoga so that I could focus, but the day I got the exam results and saw that A, I was in dance class THAT NIGHT. No time wasted lol!
So now that yoga is done, and now that more youth have taken an interest in leadership at church, I am going to shift my focus to the next items: travels, continuous growth at work, deepening my arts and yoga practices (physical, administrative, philanthropic) to better serve others and continue educating myself on themes related to racial equity, diversity, and inclusion. There are some other special items that I have bubbling up, but that is for a different post! Xx
Prayer: Dear Lord, Thank you for all you have done, all you have taught me, and all of the experiences you have blessed me with throughout this year. I have had faith, it has been tough at times to keep the faith and some nights have been hard, but I trust You. Thank you for reinforcing the power and necessity of prayer because there is SO MUCH that happens that we do not even see. So much. If nothing else in 2018, I have learned the importance of prayer for protection from things seen and UNSEEN because we are merely humans and can only think so deeply. Thank you for your grace, your peace, and your promises. I give You glory and I love giving what I have to You. Help me to remain steadfast and not loose zeal, dear Jesus, when things are tough. I love You. Heavenly Father. You are an Amazing God. Amen.